Informazioni Generali
General Information
San Juan de Alicante (Spagna)
From Monday June 9th to Wednesday June 11th 2025 in the CADLAB of the University Medical School in San Juan de Alicante, Spain
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Full fee 1.400€ + 22% VAT (MAX. 20 )
Observer fee 600€ + 22% VAT (MAX.10 )
n°1 specimen (full body) every two participants, specimen injected with latex
Course Presidents: Nicola Felici – Maria Josè Santana Majan
Honorary Chairman: Francisco del Piñal
08:30 Course Introduction: M.J. Santana Majan, N. Felici
- Reconstruction of thumb skin defects. Discussant: N. Felici, B. Battiston
09.00 Homodigital flaps (A. Poggetti)
09.15 Heterodigital flaps (M. Riccio)
09.30 Q&A
- First web reconstruction:
- Radial artery based flaps (C. Tiengo)
10:00 M-SAP flap (P.F. Delle Femmine)
10:15 Posterior Interosseus artery flap (C. Tiengo)
10:30 Q&A
10:45 coffee break
11.15 – 13.30 Cad Lab: hands on
Elliot Flap, Brunelli flap, Kite flap, Littler flap
Radial forearm flap, M-SAP, Posterior interosseus flap
13:30 – 14:30 Lunch
14:30 Lecture: Thumb Replantation: indications, thecnique, philosophy (P. Tos)
14:45 Lecture: Thumb reconstruction in emergency (N. Felici)
15:00 – 18:00 Cad Lab: hands on
Elliot Flap, Brunelli flap, Kite flap, Littler flap
Radial forearm flap, M-SAP, Posterior interosseus flap
08.30 – 13.00:
- First Ray reconstruction (Discussant: B. Battiston, M. Riccio)
08:30 Thumb reconstruction with the first toe transfer: from pulp repair to the whole first ray reconstruction. (F. del Piñal)
09:15 The Paralityc thumb: tendon transfer (N. Felici)
09.30 Nerve transfer for thumb Reanimation (P. Tos)
09:45 Q&A
10.00 Cad Lab: hands on Wrap around, Hemi-pulp, great toe harvest
Coffee station 10:30 – 11:30
13.30 Lunch
- First Ray reconstruction (Discussant: B. Battiston, M. Riccio)
14:30 Second toe transfer. Indications & technique details. (F. del Piñal)
15:00 Free Vascularised Joint Transfers (P. Sassu)
15:20 Q & A
15:30 – 18.30 Cad Lab: hands on second toe harvest, free MP joint harvest
20:30 Social Dinner
- Pollicization (Discussant: P. Tos – C. Tiengo)
08:45 Thumb reconstruction in Congenital. Stages I-II-IIIA (Catena N)
09:00 Index Pollicization in adults (B. Battiston)
09:15 Q&A
09:30 Cad Lab: hands on: tendon transfers for opponensplasty, nerve transfer for thumb reanimation, index pollicization
13:30 Closing Remarks
- Bruno Battiston (Torino, Italy)
- Nunzio Catena (Genova, Italy)
- Francisco del Piñal (Madrid, Spain)
- Pietro Francesco Delle Femmine (Rome, Italy)
- Nicola Felici (Rome, Italy)
- Andrea Poggetti (Firenze, Italy)
- Michele Riccio (Ancona, Italy)
- Paolo Sassu (Bologna, Italy)
- Cesare Tiengo (Padova, Italy)
- Tos Pierluigi (Milano, Italy)